Waste Management
Wistron is committed to avoid banned substances or materials and actively promotes waste reduction, recycling, and reuse. Any materials and suppliers we work with are rigorously and carefully screened, and we continue to pursue technical improvement or eco-friendly materials. We abide by environmental and customer regulations related to our activities, products, and services to attain, or even exceed set goals. Waste management at Wistron consists of "consistent waste classification and reduction" and "recycling and reuse." We comprehensively evaluate and check the generation and flow of waste and toxic substances through sound waste and hazardous substance management, minimizing waste as much as possible through recycling. Strong management over waste and hazardous substances can help reduce the impact and burden on the environment, but also enable Wistron to create niches in business operations with improved material usage and lowered operating costs, helping us achieve sustainability.
Wistron identifies waste types and reduction opportunities through management processes such as source reduction, recycling, and reuse, ensuring waste is reasonably recycled, utilized, and disposed of, thereby reducing its environmental impact. This not only minimizes environmental impact and burden but also reduces operational costs by improving material utilization, creating a competitive edge that benefits the company's sustainable operations.
- Waste Identification: Evaluate the production process, analyze the waste generation points at each step, and determine waste disposal methods according to regulatory requirements.
- Reuse, Recycling, and Reutilization: Through the identification process, find links where waste can be reduced, establish a comprehensive recycling system, and ensure waste can be effectively recycled and reused. Explore avenues for waste reutilization, such as using waste materials in other production processes or developing new products.
- Monitoring and Evaluation: Continuously monitor and collect data on waste generation and treatment. Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of waste reduction measures to identify further improvement opportunities.