
ESG News Letter

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Governance for Sustainable Development


To embed sustainability in our company's development and further realize corporate social responsibility, Wistron appointed the Board of Directors as the highest decision-making body to promote sustainable development. In 2019, the Board of Directors established the ESG Committee, which reports the outcomes and future work plans of sustainable development to the Board of Directors at least twice a year. The Board of Directors oversees the implementation and effectiveness of various sustainability projects, giving prior approval to major projects before roll out.

ESG Committee

The ESG Committee is overseen by the Board of Directors (BOD) and chaired by the Vice Chairman. The Committee consists of one independent director, President & CEO, Executive Vice President & Chief Infrastructure Officer, Chief of Staff, President of Advanced Technology Lab, and Chief Digital Officer & Chief Information Security Officer, who are responsible for reviewing the Company’s overall sustainable development directions, strategies, and objectives, as well as formulating relevant management policies and specific action plans. Five meetings were held in 2023.

Sustainability Office

Wistron established the Sustainability Office in 2021 to spearhead and manage sustainable development across the company. The Office is headed by the Vice President of Sustainability, who's not only the acting executive secretary to the company's ESG Committee, but is also responsible for rolling out sustainability strategies, projects, as well as initiatives passed by the board of directors and the ESG Committee. This includes sustainability disclosures, annual sustainability reports, identification of relevant sustainability topics, formulation of initiatives, budget allocation for the organization's sustainable development, and progress monitoring to ensure that our daily operations comply with sustainability strategies.

Six Sustainability Strategies Working Groups

Wistron integrates sustainability into daily operations and systematically incorporates past ESG performance actions to envision greater sustainable value creation for the future. This has led to six brand-new sustainability strategies, known as the ESG 6-Pillar, that will drive Wistron's advancement in the next decade. It starts from the vision and is drawn up from top to bottom to define short-term (1-2 years), mid-term (3-5 years) and long-term (6-10 years) goals. Senior executives serve as Pillar Owners and guide each working group to roll out corresponding plans from the bottom up, ensuring a solid structural foundation for these strategies. The President & CEO oversees progress across the sustainable strategies each month and reports achievements to the ESG Committee each quarter.