Nominating Committee
Wistron's Board of Directors made a resolution to establish the Nominating Committee and the Nominating Committee Charter in December 2019.
With authorization from the board of directors, the Committee shall exercise the due care of a good administrator to faithfully perform the following duties and shall submit its proposals to the board for discussion:
- To constitute and to review the composition, qualification and succession plans of the directors and the executives.
- To search and to review the candidates of the directors and the executives and the independence of independent directors, and to summit the proposed list to the board of directors.
- To construct and to review the setup, duties and operation of the sub‐committees under the board of directors, to review the qualification of the member of sub‐committees and any potential conflict of interests.
- To plan and to execute the director training program.
- Other matters to be performed by the Committee pursuant to the resolution of the board of directors.