Supply Chain Management

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Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Overview


Taiwan is an important global supplier of IT products, in which, Wistron holds a place of importance. In order to provide more convenient and full servicew to customers, we deployed a comprehensive global manufacturing and service network to support customers in different regions. As of the end of 2022, Wistron has partnered with 2,445 suppliers around the world. To effectively manage our suppliers, we have classified and divided suppliers for management, in order to grasp the status of the entire supply chain.

  • The total number of suppliers is 2,445

  • The total number of electronic parts suppliers is 436
  • The total number of mechanical parts suppliers is 669
  • The total number of maintenance repair operation suppliers is 298
  • The total number of logistics suppliers is 24

Significant suppliers

Wistron’s suppliers are distributed around the world. Considering differences in procurement amounts, we have defined tier 1 suppliers as those who have had at least 6 transactions with Wistron in a year and the total amount of the transactions is over NT$1 million.  In 2022, there were 1,427 tier 1 suppliers.  Also, we difine significant suppliers as high-risk suppliers and critical suppliers.  The main suppliers of Wistron are electronic parts and mechanical parts suppliers. In 2022, maintenance repaire operation and logistics suppliers were included in the scope of management. We screen out significant suppliers* through amount of procurement amounts and related conditions. In 2022, 639 suppliers were listed as significant tier 1 suppliers.
Regarding significant non-tier 1 suppliers, these suppliers are defined as suppliers who trade through agents or the upstream suppliers of direct suppliers. In 2022, there were 241 significant non-tier 1 suppliers.

  • Note: High-risk suppliers(tier 1+non-tier 1)with SAQ score below 80 belong to high-risk suppliers + critical suppliers(tier 1 + non-tier 1).  Critical suppliers: : high porportion of turnover (top 80% of annual transaction amount); ability of technology pioneering; the only source of supply is irreplaceable

Significant tier 1 suppliers
Supplier Types 2020 2021 2022
Number of non-tier 1 suppliers 520 279 385
Number of significant non-tier 1 suppliers 423 256 241

Siginficant Tier 1 Suppliers
Supplier Types 2020 2021 2022
Electronic parts Number of tier 1 suippliers 549 426 436
Number of significant tier 1 suppliers 344 214 241
Share of amount of procurement spent on significant tier 1 suppliers 85.99% 96.91% 97.49%
Mechanical parts Number of tier 1 suippliers 627 658 669
Number of significant tier 1 suppliers 153 222 310
Share of amount of procurement spent on significant tier 1 suppliers 89.00% 90.89% 91.85%
Maintenance repair operation Number of tier 1 suippliers 373 353 298
Number of significant tier 1 suppliers 46 39 76
Share of amount of procurement spent on significant tier 1 suppliers 56.87% 48.50% 58.73%
Logistics Number of tier 1 suippliers 36 25 24
Number of significant tier 1 suppliers 20 11 12
Share of amount of procurement spent on significant tier 1 suppliers 89.69% 89.41% 91.27%
Total Number of tier 1 suippliers 1,176 1,084 1,427
Number of significant tier 1 suppliers 563 486 639
Share of amount of procurement spent on significant tier 1 suppliers 88.06% 94.66% 94.53%
Note: Maintenance repair operation/logistics added in 2022