Sustainability Management
In order to implement sustainability, Wistron’s Board of Directors established “Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles” which clearly defined four major principles. The four principles are: (1) exercising corporate governance, (2) fostering a sustainable environment, (3) preserving public welfare, and (4) enhancing the disclosure of corporate sustainability information. This is the highest guiding principle for Wistron’s promotion of sustainability.

Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility Management System
Wistron is committed to establishing a Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility Management System. To suitably uphold stakeholders’ rights and interests, Wistron will adhere to ethical standards exceeding local legal requirements as we continuously develop high-quality green products/services and focus on the environment, employee health and safety, and human rights.
01 |Social Accountability Management System
Wistron is committed to fulfilling our sustainability. Our company will continue complying with related international regulations and local policies, safeguarding and advancing employees’ rights and benefits, and building an overall healthy, safe and ethical operating environment.
Human Rights
Wistron endeavors to develop and maintain systems within our company that promote and improve the rights of our employees. Systems should include, but are not limited to, areas such as health and safety programs and all aspects of worker on-the-job rights. Wistron endeavors to understand generally proclaimed human rights aspects and include them, when possible, as part of our normal business practices and within our sphere of influence. As part of this, Wistron endeavors to set related laws and regulations as the standard, with an overall aim to improve on local laws and regulations when possible. Wistron will aim to not be complicit, including direct, beneficial or silent complicity, in human right abuses.
- For more information, please refer to " Wistron human rights due diligence management report".
Wistron endeavors to prevent discrimination in all aspects of employment, including hiring, compensation, training, promotion and termination. Areas where distinctions or preferences will not be made include, but are not limited to, race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ethnicity or national origin, disability, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, union membership, covered veteran status, protected genetic information or marital status. Any distinction, exclusion or preference in respect of a particular job based on the inherent requirements thereof shall not be deemed to be discrimination. Wistron will develop programs to encourage the hiring of disadvantaged people.
Wistron endeavors to remove and prevent any forms of discrimination within Wistron and by companies supporting Wistron in the employment process (e.g. employment agencies). When possible, Wistron also endeavors to encourage non-discrimination to outside parties, including customers, suppliers, and the general public.
Employee Reprimand and Harassment
Wistron endeavors to prevent harassment and undue forms of punishment within our operations. Abuse, threats, intimidation and harassment through physical or verbal means are prohibited. Disciplinary actions should not include deductions from wages.
When possible, Wistron also endeavors to encourage similar reprimand and harassment related practices to outside parties, including customers, suppliers, and the general public.
Hiring and Wages
Wistron endeavors to not utilize systems within and outside of the company that might cause undue hardship on employees or remove certain inherent rights, including rights to a "living wage". The systems to be reviewed and modified, if necessary, include the use of outside employment agencies and the direct or indirect review or use of health, psychological and socio-economic tests and/or interviews. Short-term contracts and other employment methods will not purposely prevent employees from receiving due benefits from the company through normal/regular employment relationships.
Wistron shall provide employees with clearly understandable information about their employment conditions prior to employment and regarding their on-going rights during employment. Deductions from salary will only be made when permitted by related laws and regulations and with the expressed permission of the worker concerned. When possible, Wistron also endeavors to encourage similar review of hiring systems to outside parties, including customers, suppliers, and the general public.
Employee Communication
All company policies should be made accessible to employees in a transparent manner. Wistron endeavors to provide the appropriate systems and overall working environment to allow for efficient and constructive communication between employees and company management. The systems and environment should allow for direct and indirect communication for the resolution of problems and implementation of changes for overall company improvement. As part of the system for indirect communication, employees will have the opportunity to present their suggestions and problems to management in confidential methods, without fear of retaliation against employees in any way. Wistron will respect the right of employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
Child and Forced Labor
Wistron does not condone nor knowingly utilize child or forced labor. Wistron will implement and maintain the systems that prevent child and forced labor within our organization. As part of this system, Wistron will not knowingly employ anyone under the age of 15, or under the age for completing compulsory education, or under the minimum age for employment in the country, whichever is greatest. The use of legitimate workplace learning programs, which comply with all laws and regulations, is supported. Wistron will not use exploitative practices, including the use of compulsory overtime. Beyond standard work contracts, Wistron will not utilize any employment methods that financially or otherwise bond the employee to Wistron, including lodging of deposits or identity papers with the company. When possible, Wistron also endeavors to encourage the prevention of child and forced labor to outside parties, including customers, suppliers, and the general public.
Working Hours
Wistron complies with laws and policies of working hours. When using overtime, Wistron ensures to obtain employees’ permission and fully compensate employees according to local law.
Wistron endeavors to conduct business operations using methodologies and daily business practices that reach a high level of ethical standards. Wistron will adhere to all laws and regulations concerning their operations (regarded as a minimum standard). Wistron will examine and structure its business practices with particular regard to corrupt practices that include (1)conflicts of interest (e.g. personal interests influencing business activities), (2)accuracy of business information (whether in verbal or written format), (3)bribery (unduly use of gifts or entertainment to influence decision making), (4)hostile or intimidating interactions (including internal interactions between staff, as well as between staff and outside companies), (5)business integrity (prohibiting any and all forms for corruption, extortion and embezzlement, (6) intellectual property (respect intellectual property rights, including patents, trademarks and copyrights), (7) fair business, advertising and competition (all business activities need to operate under the mechanism of market, eliminating all collusion, joint monopolization and improper market operations), (8) protection of whistleblowers (ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of whistleblowers, and protect whistleblowers from any retaliations), and (9) privacy (ensure that classified information, documents and material are properly protected).
Wistron will implement internal systems that allow for the reporting and resolving of non-ethical performance by individuals or by groups within Wistron. Systems should include a non-retaliation policy for those who attempt to report or resolve perceived non-ethical activities.
When possible, Wistron also endeavors to encourage similar ethics performance to outside parties, including customers, suppliers, and the general public.
02 |Occupational Health and Safety Management System
As a world leading Technology Service Provider (TSP) in the information and communication industry, Wistron is well aware of the our Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) risks and opportunities in the workplace that are affecting the well-being of all persons (including employees, temporary workers, contractor personnel, visitors, and any other persons) working under the control of the company. Focused on preventing injury and ill health, we commit to establish an OH&S management system and enhance consultation and participation ensuring a healthy, injury-free environment.
Wistron shall comply with applicable OH&S legal requirements and other subscribed requirements with the intent that all persons working under the control of the company are aware of their individual OH&S obligations to eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks.
Wistron is committed to regularly measure our OH&S performance and practice continual improvement of OH&S management system.
03 |Environmental and Energy Management System
As a world leading Technology Service Provider (TSP) in the information and communication industry, Wistron uses activities, products, and services to reduce its impact on the ecological environment. Wistron is committed to climate change advocacy, biodiversity conservation, and no-deforestation. We are dedicated to reducing energy consumption and increasing our renewable energy ratio. To realize our low-carbon transition plans we support the procurement of energy efficient equipment, various plans for improving energy efficiency, the use eco-friendly technologies to reduce polluting emissions. Environmental programs are implemented at global operations including water recycling, waste reducing and recycling, and transportation and logistics management. Employees are trained to understand the impact of their work activities to the environment. With our focus on green products and services, we carefully select raw materials and suppliers to ensure zero usage of restricted and banned materials and substances.
Wistron is committed to complying with applicable environmental and energy legal requirements related to our activities, products, and services. We ensure the accessibility of necessary information and resources, to actively respond to stakeholders’ environment-related expectations. For products and services within the scope of Wistron’s operations and businesses, we aim to achieve goals and targets of the environment and energy or even exceed the requirements of existing regulations.
Following the guidance of the environmental and energy policy, Wistron will continue to mitigate environmental impacts and improve the operation and performance of the environment and energy management system. Moreover, this policy extends to suppliers, contractors, and all partners in the value chain through sustainable supply chain management, and is included as one of the evaluation criteria when conducting mergers and acquisitions.
04 |Green Products Management System
In order to reduce products' impact on the environment during the product life cycle, Wistron utilizes innovative "green" product concepts: design for recycling and reuse, energy saving and carbon reduction, material reduction, and elimination of hazardous substances. Wistron complies with international regulations, directives, and customer requirements and is dedicated to simplification of design, production, and processes so as to produce environmentally friendly products.
Green Purchasing
Wistron endeavors to limit the detrimental impact that company operations have with regards to products and services purchased by the company as part of daily administrative operations.
Wistron endeavors to purchase those products deemed more "environmentally friendly", including those products certified by local governments/organizations (with professional certification bodies), such as recycled paper and biodegradable cleaning materials.
Business Partner
Wistron recognizes that our business activities and products have social and environmental impact. As part of Wistron's Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility (CSR) programs, Wistron endeavors to create a sustainable business model. Cooperation with our Business Partners forms a major portion of our overall business operations. Thus, Wistron wishes to engage in dialogue and constructive programs with our Business Partners that lead to improvements in various environmental and social related responsibilities areas.
Wistron expects that our Business Partners will operate their businesses using systems and policies that support the 1)Occupational Health and Safety performance, 2)Environmental performance, 3)Labor and Employment performance, and 4)Ethics performance policies established by Wistron specifically for our Business Partners. Business Partners’ policies should be open/transparent and provided to Wistron on request. Business Partners should understand that Wistron will show preference to the Business Partners that support the CSR policies established by Wistron.
Wistron also encourages our Business Partners to engage their own business partners about CSR issues. Specific expectations regarding CSR will be issued to Business Partners to facilitate meeting Wistron’s standards for all Business Partners.
05 |Quality Management System
To deliver defect-free, competitive products and services to our customers on time.