Key Strategic Talent Development

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Key Strategic Talent Development

Key Strategic Talent Development

Key Strategic Talent Development

To progress toward the corporate vision of "Sustainability through Innovation," Wistron formulated four core strategies for talent development: "Digital capabilitydigital competency," "Management capabilitymanagement competency," "Globally adaptable capability global mobility competency" and "Sustainability capability sustainability competency." We also leveraged mid- and long-term talent development initiatives to provide career platform for talents through continuous talent cultivation while realizing our corporate vision.

In addition, the Learning and Development team is dedicated to ensuring the effectiveness of all training programs. To achieve this goal, we follow The Kirkpatrick Model as a guideline, comprehensively assessing training outcomes across four levels. The aforementioned evaluation levels serve as performance indicators for Wistron's talent development efforts. All training programs require the establishment of evaluation levels during the planning phase to ensure continuous improvement in talent cultivation. This helps define clear objectives for the development of key talents within the organization, contributing to the sustainable development of both individuals and the organization.

  • Level 1 - Reaction Evaluation: By gathering feedback and satisfaction ratings from trainees regarding the training courses, we ensure the effectiveness of knowledge dissemination.
  • Level 2 - Learning Evaluation: This level assesses the knowledge and skills acquired by trainees during the courses, measuring the training's effectiveness and ensuring that employees gain the necessary knowledge for their work.
  • Level 3 - Behavior Evaluation: Assisting trainees in applying the knowledge and skills acquired during training to their work post-training, ensuring that training goes beyond knowledge transfer and empowers employees to enhance job performance.
  • Level 4 - Results Evaluation: To focus on the tangible value of talent development for the company's operations, we track employees' job performance post-training, ensuring that training activities have a positive impact on the overall success of the company.

2023 Wistron's Organizational Strategy and Learning Development

Strategy 1 : Digital Talent Cultivation to Accelerate Digital Transformatio

Wistron established the digital transformation blueprint in 2019 with three key strategies, namely "cultivation of digital talents," "digital culture formulation," and "empowerment of digital work for employees." In order to effectively implement these strategies, the company established the Digital and Analytics Academy (DnA Academy) dedicated to nurturing digital talents. The focus of digital transformation training is divided into three categories: "digital key talent cultivation," "digital talent certification," and "data-driven culture building." It uses systematic training methods (online & offline) to conduct digital transformation knowledge and tool training while shaping the organization's digital culture. 

To accelerate Wistron’s digital transformation, we formed the "Technical Governance Committee" in 2021 and its subordinate committee - digital talent development committee – to define the Technical Competency Model (TCM), assess competency levels, plan for skills and career development, and collaborate with DnA Academy and internal/external learning resources. Both technical and soft skills training were conducted in tandem with incentive programs for key digital talents. After training,
the talents actively involved in the company's digital transformation, took 104 initiatives and digital projects in various business areas such as R&D, manufacturing, sales, supply chain, finance, and human resources. Through methodology training, use case demonstration, scenario simulation, and daily practices, the talent development process can help digital talents truly apply digital transformation methods and skills to reengineer business processes and create value.

1. Upgrading the Technological Capabilities of Key Digital Talents

[Leveraging Key Digital Talents: Collaborative Value Creation in Diverse Projects]

Wistron established the DnA Academy to systematically cultivate key digital talents. After training, the talents combined the digital theories with their expertise in various business domains to contribute to the development of over 400 projects.
In addition, in order to help managers clearly identify the competencies and contributions of digital talents, motivate talents, and enhance the capabilities of digital talents, we developed a digital talent platform in 2023 to maintain talent records and provide a complete digital talent information system with accurate talent statistics, resumes, and databases. At the same time, the certification system for two key talents, “Translator” and “Product Owner,” was also optimized in 2023. A total of 41 people has been promoted this year with appropriate incentives to support our talent retention goals.

2. Cultivating and Certification of Digital Talents’ Capabilities

To enhance the soft skills (mindset + communication) of technical talents and achieve the goals of Wistron's digital transformation, a Technical Competency Model of digital technology talents and a learning roadmap have been constructed. Wistron has launched 12 skill improvement programs for key role in digital transformation technology. Recognizing the importance of soft skills such as mindset transformation and communication abilities, in addition to professional training and certification, a comprehensive training curriculum is planned, covering online and offline digital knowledge, agile communication skills, coaching leadership, financial thinking, cross-departmental communication skills, and industry trend lectures. The Technical Competency Model and learning roadmap for digital technology talents have been developed based on the definitions of digital technology talents at levels L1 to L5 (assessment levels). Accordingly, the soft skills training for digital technology talents at each level is progressively implemented. 

In 2023, the key digital talent technical competency model (TCM) was expanded from 9 to 12 roles. The roles and responsibilities (R&R) were defined, and the certification methods were designed based on our TCM. TCM was refined to cover the diverse skills required for digital transformation. In terms of recruiting professional talents, our talent pool increased significantly from 569 in 2021 to 1,237 in 2023. We continue to maintain a skills inventory of the 12 key roles for digital transformation.
By continuously optimizing the Career Map and improving the clarity of the Career Paths for the 12 key roles, digital talents can more clearly understand their career development directions. The proportion of talents of L3H (Level 3 High-Performing) and above increased to 28%. It shows that our cultivation mechanism can effectively develop high-level skills and leadership capabilities.

2023 Optimization of TCM Certification System

3. Promoting Data-Driven Culture

[Cultivating Data Scientists and Comprehensive Data + AI Talents]

RPA (Robotic Process Automation, RPA) talent development plan aims to cultivate talents with digital elements to use the low-code visual development software. It does not need to wait for a professional IT development team, nor does it need to change the existing IT system architecture. The method of sorting out and optimizing the work content can be learned and mastered. The automation of office work processes can be realized independently, so that each department has the automation experts who are familiar with the works of the department. This can broaden the working skills of our employees and enhance the competitiveness of our employees and the enterprises for continuous innovation. RPA is an action learning development project that combines continuous and strategic tasks. Since 2018, Wistron has been promoting and expanding the training for automated process development to 13 global locations, with a total of 233 new RPA trainees added annually (704 in total). Each trainee has completed an average of 53 training courses (with 7 new courses added), achieving a 100% completion rate. Furthermore, to ensure the participation of non-Chinese-speaking employees in this strategic development project, 42 English courses were also added to English-speaking learner in locations such as the Malaysian plant and Indian plant in 2022 to help them quickly learn and master the RPA skills, so that employees in non-Chinesespeaking regions can have the opportunity to participate in this strategic development project. In addition, the promotion team holds RPA technology forums within the scope of promotion bases on a monthly basis to learn the development skills for members of each location as further benchmarking. A total of 1,969 participants shared skills trainings, and 65 outstanding members were promoted to pass the certification of key digital talent assessment to receive corresponding rich rewards after their ability development. To drive the development of digital and diversified work skills among our colleagues, we will continue to promote RPA projects in each location. Our ultimate goal is to achieve "RPA, Everywhere," where every Wistron employee and every plant utilizes RPA to enhance work efficiency and liberate time for more valuable tasks.

4. Digital talent training results in 2023
Project & Details Progress in 2023 Training Effectiveness & Value to Wistron Training Effectiveness
& Value to Wistron
Upgrading the Technological Capabilities of Key Digital Talents
Systematically cultivated digital project development teams through training on methodology, use case demonstration, scenario simulation, and daily practices to help digital talents truly apply digital transformation methods and skills to reengineer business processes and create value.
352 digital talents trained in 2023 with a cumulative total of 633 translators, 163 product owners, 125 tech leads, 189 data engineers, 49 enterprise architects, and 158 cloud architects.
8,138 employees trained; 14.6% of global employees Level1 Reaction
  • Average learning satisfaction score of 4.3 to 4.6 (out of 5)

Level2 Learning
  • Certification rate: 81%
  • Training completion rate: 100%

Level3 Behavior
  • 774 digital technology and transformation projects

Level4 Result
  • Annualized rate of return: NT$599M
  • Cost savings by reduced manual work with digital transformation: NT$53.82M
Cultivating and Certification of Digital Talents’ Capabilities
The digital talent development committee is responsible for defining the Technical Competency Model (TCM), assessing competency, and planning skills and career development programs, collaborating with the DnA Academy and internal/external learning resources to offer technical and soft skills training.

The number of talent participated in the TCM certification program increased drastically to 1,237 in 2023. Continuously implemented skill development plan for 12 key roles. 1,640 attendees completed hard skills and soft skills training, and proportion of L3H or higher talents increased to 28%.
Promoting Data-Driven Culture
Expanded data governance technologies to cover process automation, business intelligence, statistical analysis, and Auto ML with systematic online/offline trainings, workshops and case sharing sessions for global Wistron sites to promote the 5 major toolboxes of Power BI, Minitab, Rapidminer, Mobagel, and RPA.
18 training batches in 2023, with 2,748 attendees and a cumulative total of 6,223 attendees passing the evaluation. Overseas training offered as well, with 106 attendees passing and 42 digital projects going live.


Strategy 2: Promotion of Managerial Competencies to Worldwide Sites to Shape Innovative Leadership

In 2023, we continued to promote managerial competencies through the integration with the four major management aspects of recruitment, training, staffing and retention in order to help supervisors understand the connotation of managerial competencies and apply them to improve leadership at work, the Talent Development Team designed and produced 10 online courses in the training series, which includes three courses addressing basic knowledge on managerial competencies, four courses on examples of Manager Competency and three courses on examples of Leader Competency to apply their learnings into practice. We held four communication sessions and offered 10 courses in three different language versions: Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and English. The competency training was launched in June 2023 for supervisors across Wistron locations spanning HQ and 28 sites around the world.

The training design aspects cover
Collected excellent cases through interviewing internal benchmark person to apply key behaviors of managerial competency into daily work.
Combined multiple learning media including video, audio, text and images to satisfy diverse learning styles.
Used interactive tests to check learner’s understanding.

1. Strengthening Strategic Leadership at the Executive Level

In response to the ever-changing environment and to drive the company's future growth, executive leaders are dedicated to improving Wistron’s competitive advantage and operational excellence. Against a dynamic business landscape, Wistron aims to equip senior executives with diverse knowledge to support them as they confront fierce competition and lead our organization to long-term success. 
In 2023, we provided the executive leadership program to 18 BU heads and above, tallying a total of 1,459 training hours. The external training program focuses on three main subjects: Global and Multinational Operations, Strategic Thinking and Innovation, Business Management and Leadership Development. The program is designed based on real practices to help executives expand their horizons, strengthen strategic mindset, and improve corporate leadership. Wistron continues to enhance the capabilities of executive leaders to overcome challenges in our global and competitive landscape and lead Wistron to long-term success. We hope to ensure that they are capable of responding to changes more flexibly and innovatively while being fully prepared for the company's future.
In 2023, Wistron was selected as one of the Top 100 Global Innovative Institutions by Clarivate, which shows that Wistron's efforts in continuously investing in cutting-edge technology research and development over the years is being recognized by the community at large.
Executive leaders bring innovation into corporate culture, put innovation into practice and pursue the vision of “Sustainability through Innovation”. This achievement not only recognizes the company's patent portfolio, but also reflects Wistron's outstanding performance in the field of innovation.

2. Developing Global Leadership at the Leader Level

In 2022, Wistron defined 8 leader competencies. To gradually promote key managerial competencies to senior leadership (BU/Corp. Func.) and middle management (plant/division), three key leader competencies were identified as development goals for 2023-2026 in accordance to our key strategic focus. These competencies – Driving Execution, Data-Driven Decision Making, and Motivating the Team - were also included in the annual performance appraisal. After basic training on managerial competencies, division managers are offered skills trainings to further strengthen their leadership.
To develop high-potential talents to prepare them for their next levels and positions and build our talent pipeline, we launched our Global Leadership Development Program to spotlight competency development. It uses various learning methods such as project assignment, self-directed learning resources, and group coaching to develop and track the behavioral changes across the three key leader competencies of Driving Execution, Data-Driven Decision-Making, and Motivating the Team.
The 360-degree competency assessment was introduced during the nascent stages of the program, while the assessment report is used to set up individual development goals. Each talent is assigned an internal coach, who is two levels higher to the talent and from a different field/unit. Monthly one-on-one coaching sessions offer these talents broad perspectives, leadership mindset, and resources.

3. Enhancing Coaching Skills at the Manager Level


To build management culture at all leadership levels, improve organizational performance and promote two-way communication between management and their team members, the manager competency - Aligning Performance for Success was selected to enhance our manager’s coaching behaviors. Coaching training was provided to help managers properly coach subordinates and provide motivation and support to enhance overall team performance. Sound and seamless communication between management and their team members help engage employees to unleash their potential.
In 2023, coaching training was delivered via hybrid models, combining online learning and face-to-face session. The online course is designed for managers to master knowledge and practice coaching skills through four phases: pretesting, learning, scenario simulation, and post-testing. During face-to-face sessions, managers conduct role play and receive observations and feedback from senior leaders. Facilitators ensure they apply knowledge into practice by using very realistic scenarios and also creating opportunities for senior leaders to share their experience.
After the “Coaching” online training and face-to-face “Coaching for Empowerment” training, Wistron regularly conducts surveys to track  management performances and gauge behavioral changes in trained managers. We believe stronger managerial competencies will drive organizational performance and inspire a positive cycle.

In 2023, we unified our performance management policy across Wistron locations worldwide and simultaneously delivered performance management training. The first wave of performance management training was held in Mexico and Vietnam sites and composed of three sessions: Goal Setting and Communication, Performance Feedback & Appraisal, and Performance Improvement Plan. The training sessions align with the performance management cycle, allowing managers to immediately apply the knowledge and tools in practice and daily management. The training was considered effective with an annual performance communication rate of 91.9% in Mexico and 95.9% in Vietnam; an employee satisfaction score for daily coaching of 4.1 in Mexico and 4.3 in Vietnam (out of 5); and an average proficiency score from the 360-degree managerial competency evaluation of 4.2 in Mexico and 4.7 in Vietnam (out of 5).

4. Results in Management Capabilities Development of Talents in 2023
Project & Details Progress in 2023 Training Effectiveness & Value to Wistron Training Effectiveness
& Value to Wistron
Promotion of Managerial Competencies to Worldwide Sites
In 2023, continued to promote managerial competencies through the integration with the
four major management aspects of recruitment, training, staffing and retention in order to help supervisors understand the connotation of managerial competencies and apply them to improve leadership at work.
In 2023, 4 communication sessions were held, and 10 online courses on managerial competencies were developed and delivered to global managers from the headquarter to 28 worldwide sites with a cumulative total of 6,488 attendees. 2,075 employees
trained; 4.9% of
global employees
Level1 Reaction
  • Average learning satisfaction score of 4.5 to 4.7 (out of 5)

Level2 Learning
  • Training completion rate: 100%
  • Competency awareness: 99.4%

Level3 Behavior
  • Managerial competency evaluation score of 4.58 (out of 5)
  • Percentage of managers who increased their average managerial competency scores: 72%
  • Annual performance communication rate: 93.9%~97.1%

Level4 Result
  • Employee satisfaction score for daily support from management: 4.2~4.4 (out of 5)
  • Average proficiency score of 360-degree evaluation for managerial competencies: 4.5~4.58 (out of 5)
Developing Global Leadership at the Leader level
In order to develop high-potential talents to prepare them to next level of positions, competency-based development program used various learning methods such as project assignment, self-directed learning resources, and group coaching to develop key behavior and skills, and gain practical experience.

79 high-potential talents were selected in 2023. 4 competency workshops and corresponding training resources were provided to help talents transfer learning and apply in work. A total of 76 talents completed final presentations and passed (pass rate of 96%).
Enhancing Coaching Skills at the Manager level
To build management culture at all leader levels to enhance organizational performance
and foster mutual communication, delivered performance management training series to worldwide sites to assist rollout of a unified performance management policy.
945 attendees completed “Coaching” online training to enhance managerial competency “Aligning Performance to Success.”
Performance management training series were first delivered to Mexico and Vietnam sites with a total of 350 attendees.

Strategy 3: Deepening of Knowledge to Align Talent Development with Organization and towards Sustainability

In response to changes in the internal and external environment, "sustainable development" has become an issue confronting global corporations. Wistron seeks to accelerate towards our vision of corporate sustainable development through building a learning culture oriented in ESG-related knowledge. Wistron's Corporate Sustainability Office, Talent Development Team, and the Core Teams of Wistron's six sustainability strategies developed the "ESG Sphere" training roadmap, offering global training resources to foster deeper understanding and commitment to sustainability among all employees. This initiative aims to introduce the significance of Wistron's sustainability initiatives and achievements, and to strengthen organizational partnerships in achieving sustainable goals. Furthermore, the knowledge and skills training in different professional fields are provided to align talent development with the organization and towards sustainability.


1. Consensus – Promoting Basic Knowledge of Sustainability Worldwide

"Sustainability" is one of Wistron's core values. To ensure global employees understand the significance of sustainability and the company's six strategic pillars of ESG, we launched basic knowledge training at the end of 2022 for HQ as a starting point. In addition to introducing online learning resources about ESG and industry trends from CommonWealth Leader Campus, we also developed the multilingual "Wistron Six Pillars of Sustainability Strategies" and "Highlight of Wistron’s Sustainability Report" internally. We promoted this basic knowledge of sustainability to various sites starting in July 2023; a total of 29,945 attendees in 2023 and reported an average learning satisfaction of 4.4 (out of 5). The compulsory training completion rate of indirect employees is 98.7% worldwide. Wistron employees expressed a high degree of understanding and commitment of the vision of “Sustainability though nnovation”.
In addition, in order to have employees and external stakeholders learn more about Wistron’s efforts and achievements in sustainability, we cooperated with the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology to develop an ESG board game, and held a trial run of the board game with our sustainability strategy committees to ensure that the content can fully convey the focus of Wistron's ESG and sustainability actions. Our ultimate goal for the future is to expand the influence of sustainable actions from the inside out through gamified learning.

2. Knowledge – Developing Professional Sustainability Talents

Wistron's ESG Sphere training follow six pillars of sustainability strategies: Sustainable Supply Base, Green Products, Recycling, Decarbonization, People with Purpose, and Labor Welfare. In the end of 2022, we kicked off professional development for ESG core teams and introduced the professional training series from the Net Zero School of ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute). In 2023, internal experts also served as
facilitators in face-to-face or virtual sessions to share sustainability knowledge to various functions. By the end of 2023, 38 ESG-related online training programs were developed, with topics covering international standards of corporate information disclosure, global sustainability trends, human rights and DEI, low-carbon manufacturing and new energy technology development, green products and recycling, etc., with a total of 2,083 attendees, a training completion rate of 97.9%, and an average learning satisfaction of 4.4 (out of 5). Wistron’s manufacturing plants around the world also showed their support to the company’s sustainability strategies and goals, organizing training on energy conservation (energy management), waste reduction (waste management), water resources management, etc., reaching a total of 67,116 training hours throughout the year, with 61,943 attendees completing the training.
In addition to cultivating professional talents, various professional training are also provided for employees to learn independently and share sustainability knowledge and organizational actions. Ultimately, we seek to increase employees' commitment to Wistron’s sustainability actions.

3. Co-learning – Providing Online Platform and Resources for Suppliers’ Sustainability Learning

Building a comprehensive sustainability ecosystem is integral for the journey toward sustainability. To help suppliers learn more about sustainability, collaborate with our global partners, and jointly explore and realize Wistron’s growth opportunities within sustainable operations, Wistron launched a Supplier Online Platform in 2022. As of 2023, 7,790 attendees have taken the 60+ lessons available on the platform. Up to 1,319 suppliers have registered for the platform, and 100% of strategy and key suppliers completed the mandatory lessons and reported an average satisfaction of 4.7 (out of 5).
Furthermore, in line with Wistron's low-carbon manufacturing transformation strategy to strengthen suppliers' ability in carbon footprint verification, this year we established a supplier classification mechanism for carbon emissions and carbon reduction maturity, and prioritized 27 strategic suppliers with low carbon reduction maturity (those who have not conducted internal carbon footprint verification). We launched practical training and coaching programs to help suppliers conduct their own greenhouse gas verification, with an achievement rate of 100%, and effectively improved the Wistron supplier greenhouse gas baseline database, propelling us one step further towards low-carbon manufacturing transformation.

4. Results in Sustainability Capability Development of Talents in 2023
Project & Details Progress in 2023 Training Effectiveness & Value to Wistron Training Effectiveness
& Value to Wistron
Promoting Basic Sustainability Awareness Worldwide
Launched basic knowledge trainings and introduced online learning resources from CommonWealth Leader Campus and Net Zero School of Industrial Technology Research Institute to enhance employees’ understanding of sustainability and industry trends. In addition to external resources, cooperate with internal experts to develop various ESG online learnings related to ESG to
worldwide sites.
The multilingual “ESG Basic Training,” "Wistron Six Pillars of Sustainability Strategies" and "Highlight of Wistron’s Sustainability Report" were developed by internal experts to help employees understand Wistron’s sustainability actions under common learning structure to build consensus to an accumulative total of 29,945 attendees annually..
39,362 employees
trained; 93.5% of
global employees
Level1 Reaction
  • Average learning satisfaction score of 4.3 to 4.7 (out of 5)

Level2 Learning
  • Training completion rate of employees: 98~98.7%
  • Training completion rate of strategic and key suppliers: 100%

Level3 Behavior
  • Carbon footprint management system launched and workday for carbon footprint verification reduced from 30 days to 13 days.
  • Completion rate of suppliers’ carbon footprint verification: 100%

Level4 Result
  • Percentage of recycling material used in product design increased from 30.2% in 2022 to 35.4% in 2023.
  • Electricity saving of plants of 17.869 MkWh annually; water saving of 50,994 m3; waste reduction of 617.4t.
  • Number of strategic suppliers who enhanced carbon reduction efforts: 27
Developing Professional Sustainability Talents
Wistron's ESG Sphere professional development follows six pillars of sustainability
strategies. In addition to the professional training series of Net Zero School of Industrial Technology Research Institute, in 2023, internal experts also served as facilitators through face-to-face or virtual sessions to spread sustainability knowledge and skills.
Through global learning platform, 38 ESG-related online training were developed with a cumulative total of 1,880 attendees. Global manufacturing plants also implemented energy conservation, waste reduction and water resources management trainings with a total of 67,116 training hours and 61,943 attendees. 
Providing Online Platform and Resources for Suppliers’ Sustainability Learning
Established the Supplier Online Platform to help suppliers improve their sustainable knowledge, collaborate with the global partners to jointly explore and realize Wistron’s growth opportunities in sustainable operation, and establish a complete sustainable ecosystem on our journey to sustainability.

More than 60 online training provided, with a total of 7,790 attendees. In line with Wistron's low-carbon manufacturing transformation strategy, we prioritized 27 strategic suppliers with low carbon reduction maturity (those who have not conducted internal carbon footprint verification) and provided practical training and coaching program to help suppliers conduct their own greenhouse gas verification.

Strategy 4: Establishment of Global Consensus and Commitment for Strategy Execution

In the face of unpredictable changes, globalization is our ambition but also a long-term strategy for talent development. To this end, Wistron launched global learning platform and offered multilingual learning resources. In 2023, we continued to invest in language learning, cross-cultural talent cultivation, and global consensus and commitment building, with the goal to foster collaboration and inclusivity among global employees.

1. Building Commitment: CEO Town Hall
To ensure the strategies and operations of Wistron's global entities are transparent, Wistron's CEO shares the company's strategies, current operations, and future prospects each year to strengthen organizational cohesion, enhance internal communication, and achieve honest communication. By collecting questions before the meeting and hosting Q&A sessions, Wistron's employees are able to communicate face-to-face with our CEO.
To demonstrate our commitment to transparency, we have expanded the CEO Town Hall to three locations in Taiwan and two regions overseas. A total of seven CEO Town Hall sessions were held in 2023, with 555 people invited and 505 attendees, which is an attendance rate of 91%.
One of the important indicators of transparent communication is an openness to questions from participants. In these seven sessions, we received a total of 52 questions, 36 of which were collected in advance. The questions focused on business strategy, talent strategy, organizational culture, management issues and other aspects. The CEO was forthright in sharing his viewpoint and experience, answering questions, and providing clear directions. 
Transparent communication is not only reflected in his open-minded response to questions, but also in the participants’ feedback to the responses. The overall response rate of satisfaction survey for the seven CEO Town Hall sessions was 93%, with 468 participants providing valuable feedback and reporting an average satisfaction score of 5.9 (out of 6)


2. Building Culture: Advocate for Core Values

In continuation of the 2022 core values campaign - based on the three stages of knowing, realizing, and doing - our 2023 core values campaign focused on “realizing.” The goal of our campaigns is to extend our core values from headquarter to overseas sites. We also certified local facilitators to share core values concepts in onboarding training. These activities help employees understand our core values and encourage them to apply them in their daily work, i.e., the “doing” stage. We also incorporated core values into the annual performance appraisal.
In the employee engagement survey, the core value awareness in the 2021 was 76.4%. Through consistent campaigns and training at HQ and overseas site between 2022 and 2023, the percentage has increased to 89.6% in 2023, with an overall increase of 13.2%. 

3. Building Diversity: Training Program of Foreign Manufacturing Engineering and Technical Talents

In order to develop foreign talents, starting from 2021, we selected high-potential foreign employees who meet our training plan criteria to offer them systematic training, which includes professional theoretical knowledge courses and practical skills. The program aims to retain foreign talents. In addition to Mandarin learning courses, machine operation training and automation process projects are also provided in the training program. After the talents complete the training and pass the
assessment, they will be transferred to professional technician positions and receive further training. A total of 154 talents were trained in 2023 with a completion rate of 66% and retention rate of 93% (there are currently 10 automation process project trainees as of the date of data collection).

4. Results in Global Capabilities Globally Adaptable Capability Development of Talents in 2023
Project & Details Progress in 2023 Training Effectiveness & Value to Wistron Training Effectiveness
& Value to Wistron
Building Commitment: CEO Town Hall
Organized CEO Town Halls to share Wistron’s strategy, operational status, and future prospects every year to ensure that Wistron employees have a clear understanding and commitment to the company's development direction.
A total of 7 sessions of CEO Town Hall were held in 2023 with 505 participants and a total of 52 questions received on business strategy, talent strategy, organizational culture, management issues and other aspects. CEO was forthright in sharing his viewpoint and experience, answering questions, and providing clear directions. 1,991 employees
trained; 4.7% of
global employees
Level1 Reaction
  • Average learning satisfaction score of 4.6 to 5.9 (out of 6)

Level2 Learning
  • Core value awareness of attendees to promotion activities: 4.6 (out of 6)

Level3 Behavior
  • Internal facilitators certified for Core Values Workshop: 14 facilitators.
  • Pass rate of engineering and technical talent training program: 66%.

Level4 Result
  • Core values awareness of global employees: 89.6%
  • Retention rate after Training Program of Foreign Manufacturing Engineering and Technical Talents: 93%
Building Culture: Advocate for Core Values
Core values advocacy campaigns are separated in three stages - knowing, realizing, and doing. Local facilitators are certified to deliver core values in onboarding training. These activities help employees understand and uphold our core values in their daily work, consequently to the “doing” stage.
1,767 participated in HQ’s core values promotion activities and a total of 20 overseas sites held core values promotion activities with 12,245 attendees. Core values-related training include “Simon’s Talk,” “Core Values Workshop,”and “CEO Wi Talk.”
Building Diversity: Training Program of Foreign Manufacturing Engineering and
Technical Talents
Selected high-potential Wistron employees who meet the training plan’s criteria and provided systematic training, including professional theoretical knowledge courses and practical skills, to retain talents.

A total of 154 talents were trained in 2023 with Mandarin learning courses, machine operation training, and automation process projects. After the talents complete the training and pass the assessment, they will be transferred to related professional technician positions.